Sunday, 8 December 2013

music video filming notes

We filmed our music video in 2 different locations which consisted of the school theatre where we filmed the majority of the band shots. This location was very useful to shoot in as the theatre is primarily used for school plays so we could manipulate the lighting to best suit our music video shots. we chose to stick to a typical rock music video lighting and kept the lighting fairly bright but kept it dim in places to focus on the band members, almost as if we had a spot light on each of them. The second location which made up the narrative was filmed nearby to our school which is located close to the coast line which is called the lake grounds. This location gave us a variety of shots in which we filmed a couple struggling with their relationship as they are searching for each other.

We used 2 cameras during our filming, one being the hand held sony HDV camera which we were familiar with from previously using it in our last project, we equipped it with a tripod to keep it steady for panning shots etc. our other camera that we used was my go-pro camera which was very useful for acquiring some unique shots as you could attach it to certain object such as the guitar and parts of the drum kit. Although you could not zoom in with this camera it had a very wide angle shot to it which captured a lot of the band.

Go-pro camera attached to guitar for a point of view shot.

Go-pro camera equipped to a tripod to get a birds eye view shot of the drum kit and band.

I also attached the Go-pro camera onto the high hat of the drum kit to acquire a close up shot of the drummer and for our last shot that we use is when the drummer hits the high hat resulting in the camera swaying from side to side due to the hit.