Saturday, 13 July 2013

Breach music video analysis

I chose to analyse this music video simply because it has a catchy kick drum beat which corresponds to the set change as there is a set change every kick beat. there are 2 sets, one having a pink background and having dancers hair being located to the opposite place it usually would be, the other has a blonde and brown furry back ground with hair in the normal places where they should be on the dancers bodies.
The camera shots chosen varies from a medium shot to close up shots.
during one part of the song (the build up) cut shots are used to exaggerate the beat.
What inspires me about this video is the quality of the set design and the artistic styling especially the hair stylist.

I personally find the cut shots very amusing and they seem to be very simple but effective. I intend on using some aspects of this music video especially the cut shots, however instead of changing colours and hair I intend on using the same location of the beach whilst using quick cut shots from sunrise to sunset. This will be a very precise presider but i'm willing to do more than one take at it.

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